Usually on an “Accessibility Statement” you’ll find a few sentences saying this website conforms to this level, or that level, as required by governing body ABC or governing body XYZ.
None of that information helps you, the visitor to this website, understand what my view on accessibility is, does it?
On this website, I have tried to keep it short, use simple language, write simple sentences, add additional descriptive moderation for screen readers, and write meaningful headlines, body copy, links, buttons, etc., so that anyone who uses assistive technology, does not meet any hurdles on this website.
Furthermore, I have ensured that text has sufficient contrast to its background, thus improving legibility. Also screen reading assistant technology shouldn’t have any trouble reading this website.
My formal statement would be this: This website goes above and beyond the official guidelines for accessibility compliance (aka Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG), and meets their level AA requirements.